Soren Says...

Soon to be kiddos say.  Because trust me, some of their conversations are priceless and considerably wise.  Only 5 years of life and their ability to create - not just projects, crafts and games but ideas, theories and genuine conversation is astounding.  

This one, however is a Soren says.  But about the three.  

Blending families has it's challenges, but definitely it's tribulations.  Soren hasn't had brothers until now and I worried about his transition into brotherhood and understanding what that truly meant.  

My brother and I were raised a specific way.  One that I am truly grateful for 'when you hurt your brother, you hurt yourself.  when you make him laugh, you experience the same joy.  there is no one else in this world you are closer to'.  And it worked.  He is my best friend; my man of honor at my wedding.  Trent and I feel the same way about the three.  

So, when we visited Mr. Madison at Findlay Market, the three and I - and Mr Madison greeted Soren with a smile saying:

'Oh!  Hi there Soren!  I see you brought your friends with you today!'

and Soren replied:

'No, Mr. Madison.  These are my brothers.  My twin brothers - Mayer and Marley!'

Then grabbing their hands, rushed off inside with his brothers.

My worries began to melt leaving me a puddle of content, happy mess.  Mr Madison smiled at me and said 'Congratulations!', putting it all together with a huge grin on his face and a hug.  



'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

48/52 - Soren's digging into one of my old childhood toys.  He snagged quite a few from Grandma.  Not quite sure who enjoys them more!

49/52 - We hunted down our Christmas tree this year.  The first Crutcher Inc. Xmas.  There are many more priceless photos of the brood from this day.  They were such big helpers and truly worked as a team.  Once we were finished decorating the tree (at the demise of a few glass ornament balls) Soren turned to me and in the most sincere, sweet voice said 'Look mom, isn't it beautiful.  A beautiful Christmas tree.' and gave me a squeeze.  Melt.

50/52 - This one is from our wedding (many more to come.  And how to run a sweet shindig on the skint!).  Soren dressed as a pirate and the boys were ninjas.  Bubs accompanied me down the aisle along with my dad.  It was as sweet and precious as I could have imagined.  Photo credit goes to my friend Stephanie Frantz.  Super talented and incredibly generous.  Thank you sweet lady!

51/52 - Constructs!!  Anyone else remember these?!  They were a gift/hand-me down from Uncle Derek.  Some things never go out of style.  The creations here are a Power Shield and Marshmallow Carrier.  

52/52 - and the last week of 2015.  A segue into 2016 were the portraits become three.  We saw some big changes in 2015.  We went from our small home of bubs, our pit and myself to a rambunctious three watched over by my loving, supportive partner and I rounded out with our old lady pit that sleeps... pretty much all day.  Hanging out with these three is a blast.   Hello 2016!

*The sweater?  You may ask?  We made a uni-sweater for the boys for our initial Holiday cards.  We ended up rolling with another photo from our tree expedition but these were too priceless not to share.


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

43/52 Nerf gun madness around here!  I have to admit, I am a fan myself.  They are a blast to play with!

44/52 Yep - another Nerf Gun day.  Featuring painted fingernails.  It took almost the whole month for it to completely chip off!  Same shirt repeat is a coincidence.  It's a Soren favorite as well.  Can't go wrong with Lego Star Wars

45/52 Soren's version of helping us change the brakes (I should say Trent) involves the Nerf gun. Of course.

46/52 this face.  After his 5th bday bash.  5 years since this wee man made me a mother.  I couldn't be more grateful and feel so incredibly lucky.  Soren has taught me so much about living life.  I can't thank you enough bubs.

47/52 the Museum Center!  We got out and went somewhere FUN!  Since the move we have been on an errand running, working constantly, shop creating streak and hadn't taken the kids somewhere FUN in awhile.  This was a much needed break for ALL of us.

Around Here - Changes

As you can see - we are experiencing some changes around here, literally.  In addition to our familial expansion, we've combined our web spaces.  

My Husband, Trent.  I guess I should stop there.  

Trent and I married on October 21st.  Although - according to the law, October 19th.  BUT (gets better), our wedding is December 14th (a Monday. I know.  But being a recording engineer for a major Symphony and commercial projects on the horizon doesn't leave you many options).  So why the marriage then the wedding, you ask?  Why not do it all at once?  Because.

No really, there is a long drawn out explanation, but I will spare the space (no babies on the horizon *wink).  Now happily hitched (gee-gads!!!), we are planning our December wedding and converging our cyberspaces (uh...).  

Trent owns an online card shop - The Gathering Site.  He sells Magic cards and will soon be selling 3 other types of fantasy playing cards.  I sense another furrowed brow.  For all those quick to judge, I dare you - play one round of Magic and you will realize quickly just how complicated the game actually is and the genius required to play. 

We hope next year to open our own physical space for the cards, but until then we are using this one and will soon be operating out of another shop.  I will continue blogging and helping grow the business.  I am so excited about these new changes and grateful I get to do them in partnership with such a wonderful person.  

Cheers.  To change.


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

38/52 - A Serenade.  Soren's songs - imaginatively his or limericks from school - are the sweetest thing to hear him sing and perform.  

39/52 - dollar scratch off tickets have become a standard around here.  This winning ticket snagged us 5 more for the kiddos to scratch.  They get such a kick out of it!

40/52 - Pumpkin season!!!  These little pumpkins were gifts from Nana at our Marriage Ceremony (October 21st - bt-dubs *wink).  The kids painted what were left after the rolling competitions.  Apparently tiny squash bruise and rot easily after intense competitions.

41/52 - A little more pumpkin at the Burger Farm Pumpkin Patch.  Soren's class took a field trip and I got to go this year.  So, SO much fun!  Thanks to all the wonderful teachers that made this happen.

42/52 - Halloween!  Soren changed his mind at the last minute to be a pirate (whew! Spider-Man at first.  Yikes on the costume making).  So we high tailed it to Salvation Army and found some pants to convert into knickers and a shirt to tailor.  I had an old vest I tailored to fit him, snagged a cheap black hat and 'Jack Sparrow'ed the living daylights out of it with feathers.  Complete with a Saber.  It was a blast putting it together!