
'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

48/52 - Soren's digging into one of my old childhood toys.  He snagged quite a few from Grandma.  Not quite sure who enjoys them more!

49/52 - We hunted down our Christmas tree this year.  The first Crutcher Inc. Xmas.  There are many more priceless photos of the brood from this day.  They were such big helpers and truly worked as a team.  Once we were finished decorating the tree (at the demise of a few glass ornament balls) Soren turned to me and in the most sincere, sweet voice said 'Look mom, isn't it beautiful.  A beautiful Christmas tree.' and gave me a squeeze.  Melt.

50/52 - This one is from our wedding (many more to come.  And how to run a sweet shindig on the skint!).  Soren dressed as a pirate and the boys were ninjas.  Bubs accompanied me down the aisle along with my dad.  It was as sweet and precious as I could have imagined.  Photo credit goes to my friend Stephanie Frantz.  Super talented and incredibly generous.  Thank you sweet lady!

51/52 - Constructs!!  Anyone else remember these?!  They were a gift/hand-me down from Uncle Derek.  Some things never go out of style.  The creations here are a Power Shield and Marshmallow Carrier.  

52/52 - and the last week of 2015.  A segue into 2016 were the portraits become three.  We saw some big changes in 2015.  We went from our small home of bubs, our pit and myself to a rambunctious three watched over by my loving, supportive partner and I rounded out with our old lady pit that sleeps... pretty much all day.  Hanging out with these three is a blast.   Hello 2016!

*The sweater?  You may ask?  We made a uni-sweater for the boys for our initial Holiday cards.  We ended up rolling with another photo from our tree expedition but these were too priceless not to share.